Sehari setelah panggung di Kiara Payung, tepatnya pada tanggal 28 November 2010, kami merekam lagu terbaru berjudul "Skeptic"...
Hari itu terasa penuh keraguan karena Wawan masih menunjukkan amarahnya (mungkin)...hal ini ditunjukkan dengan keterlambatannya hadir ke studio rekaman di daerah Cibiru, Bandung. Sampai akhirnya Dimas dan Denny harus menjemput Wawan...hmm...tercium bau-bau ketidakberesan disini...
Meskipun Wawan terlihat malas melakukan rekaman ini toh hasil rekaman tidak menunjukkan kemalasan itu sama sekali...ya, bassline yang dibuat Wawan memang luar biasa untuk lagu yang komposisi dan liriknya diciptakan Bob ini...
penasaran dengan lagunya? Silakan dengarkan lagu ini di myspace kami, alamatnya bisa dilihat di bawah, tepat setelah lirik lagu "Skeptic" yang kami sertakan di bawah ini, enjoy...
Living on a “stranger’s rule”,
filled me up now wonder fools
Being selfish now it seems so bright…
What if fears will slow you down,
to get through the mindless sights
Be a human in a role of God
Like a bull that trust in reds
brings a hatred to the ground
People crying out in deepest doubts
Loyalties been nullified
by the time love filled with lies
No one here that can be trust, anymore!!!
Find a way to a peaceful life
Bury all the static trusts
Leaving all these skeptic minds
Welcome to reality,
where fools sometimes rule
You are only uncertainty,
living in this fragile broken society
Living in this sleepless thoughts for keeping an open mind?
I'd better take a sleep instead of getting slipped
So let's not sleep cause it's already dawn
and let us sleep when it's all done
Like a bull that trust in reds
brings a hatred to the ground
People crying out in deepest doubts
Loyalties been nullified
by the time love filled with lies
No one here that can be trust, anymore!!!
Find a way to a peaceful life,
bury all the static trusts
Leaving all these skeptic minds…
Start a fight without a doubt,
let us be the trusted one
Leaving all these skeptic minds…
(Music by The Black and Dangerous | Lyrics by Bob Edrian Triadi)
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